You’ve worked hard to create your wealth. You know every percentage point matters.
You’ve thought about giving all your assets to an advisor because you know you’re missing out on opportunities to build your wealth.
Saving 1% across ETFs and mutual funds, for example, may mean an extra $186,877 for retirement or for your kids. Saving $10,221 on your capital gains taxes means you can reinvest it and turn it into $76,123 over 30 years.
Most advisors follow standard portfolio theory to manage your investments. Many even outsource the investment management to third parties. The best will leverage the same insights you’ll find in Mezzi.
With our platform, you see the insights yourself the moment you sign up and then when you actually need them, all without having to hand over all your assets to a stranger.
Saving 1%-plus on an advisor means saving over $1M over 30 years.*
Learn more about the roles of advisors and the different types here.
Sign upWe use industry leading providers, like Plaid and Finicity (Mastercard) to connect with your accounts. Every major brokerage and financial institution from Schwab to Chase is working with them to ensure you have access to your data in a secure and private manner.
Mezzi never sees your brokerage and bank login details. Access to your accounts is limited to read-only.
Apple is a leader in privacy and Apple login anonymizes your email.
We aren’t here to sell your data to a third party, today or ever. Our paid plan allows us to build the best product for you, while keeping all of our data private.